My name is Mats Ryning and I am the founder of Ryning Konsult. The company was founded in late 2010. Ryning Konsult organizes and carries out seminars, courses and educational programmes within marketing, sales, leadership, communication, negotiation and meeting techniques, council, project and nominations committee (Election Preparation committee) related work and group development.
In my previous employments I have worked as Senior Consultant, Internal Consultant, Educational Manager, Project Manager, Passenger Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Sales Manager, Marketing Assistant, Retailer, Order Manager and Product Manager.
Most of my work have been done in Sweden but I have also worked abroad during a period of 20 years. I have had work assignments in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and FYR Macedonia (SFARM Project 2002-2010). These work assignments involves several leader schools, business schools, training for management boards and organisational developments.
If you want to get my full CV and organisations I have worked for, click here.
Welcome to contact me to discuss what I and Ryning Konsult can do for you.